Current Toolkits
What Would You Like to Do?
- Advocacy 9
- Chapter Development 6
- Chapter Education 23
- Fundraising 1
- Outreach and Education 10
- Publicity 3
- Training 240
Toolkit Subjects
- Advocacy and Education 21
- Chapter Management 5
- Introduction 7
- Module 1: International Legal Standards (Overview) 43
- Module 2: Istanbul Protocol Standards for Medical Documentation of Torture and Medical Ethics 49
- Module 3: Interview Considerations 41
- Module 4: Torture Methods and their Medical Consequences 30
- Module 5: Physical Evidence of Torture and Ill-Treatment 25
- Module 6: Psychological Evidence of Torture and Ill-Treatment 16
- Module 7: Case Example #1 7
- Module 8: Case Example #2 8
- Module 9: Report Writing and Testifying in Court 11
- Orientation and Welcome 8
- PHR Campaigns and Issues 4
- Preface 1
Important Issues
Latest Downloads
Module 2: Istanbul Protocol Standards for Medical Documentation of Torture and Medical Ethics (PowerPoint Presentation) (ppt)
Module 5: Physical Evidence of Torture and Ill Treatment (PowerPoint Presentation) (ppt)
Module 7: Case Example #01 (PowerPoint Presentation) (ppt)
Hippocratic Oath (doc)
Films (doc)
Recent Links
- From Persecution to Prison: The Health Consequences of Detention for Asylum Seekers.
- Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health,
- The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
- The Oath: A Surgeon Under Fire
- The Challenge of Global Health
- Health and Human Rights,
- Health and Human Rights Education in U.S. Schools of Medicine and Public Health: Current Status and Future Challenges,
- Health and Human Rights
- Stateless and Starving: Persecuted Rohingya Flee Burma and Starve in Bangladesh
- Achieving the MDGs by Investing in Human Resources for Health and The Right to Health and Health Workforce Planning