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Circumstances of Detention(s)

If there has been an arrest or any period of detention, the description should include details of the conditions of detention, especially the nature of the accommodation (including size, shape, space, natural and artificial light, temperature, ventilation, and hygiene), the daily routine, and access to water, food, sanitation, health care and the open air. All of these elements of arrest and detention can produce physical and psychological manifestations (e.g. malnutrition, vector-borne disease, anxiety, etc).

Consider the following questions: What time was it? Where were you? What were you doing? Who was there? Describe the appearance of those who detained you. Were they military or civilian, in uniforms or in plain clothes? What type of weapons were they carrying? What was said? Were there any witnesses? Was this a formal arrest, administrative detention, or disappearance? Was violence used, threat spoken? Was there any interaction with family members? Note the use of restraints or blindfold, means of transportation, destination, and names of officials, if known.