Module 7: Case Example #01



  • To conduct a complete medical evaluation of an alleged torture victim using Istanbul Protocol standards, including assessments of physical and psychological evidence of torture
  • To develop essential interview skills including: effective communication, earning trust, balancing empathy and objectivity, applying appropriated questioning techniques, obtaining informed consent, ensuring procedural safeguards, providing an appropriate and comfortable setting, respecting gender considerations, taking steps to avoid re-traumatisation
  • To understand the relevant transference and counter-transference issues that may arise in the course of conducting medical evaluations of alleged torture victims
  • To identify possible reasons for difficulties recalling and recounting the story and/or inconsistencies in the story of the alleged victim
  • To provide a well-reasoned interpretation of findings and conclusions regarding torture and ill-treatment.
  • To appreciate the possible difficulties that may arise during an interview with an alleged torture victim
  • To identify and address individual interviewing strengths and weaknesses in conducting an interview


  • See Introduction and Preliminary Considerations and Materials below
  • Review of Case Summary #01 by students
  • Interview of individual role-player (alleged torture victim) by students or instructors (NOTE: role-players use Case Narrative #01 to act their parts)
  • Instructor supervision/demonstration of interview(s) using Guidelines for Instructors
    Case #01 (see Guidelines for Instructors file)
  • Debriefing between interviewers and role-players
  • Class discussion
  • Assignment: Ask students (individuals or groups) to write up a medical report of
    evaluation findings to be used in Module #9

Discussion Topics

  • Interviewing skills: How did the interviewers feel they performed? What observations/comments can the instructor and/other students share?
  • Interview content: Was the interview complete? Was there any relevant components left out?
  • Role-players should share their reactions to the interview, followed by the interviewers
  • Discuss strategies to effectively address transference and counter-transference issues that arise in the course of interviewing survivors of torture
  • Discuss your most significant concerns in conducting a psychological evaluation. Discuss how you can address them

Teaching Formats

  • Group Activity:
    • See Introduction and Preliminary Considerations and Materials below
    • See Discussion Topics above
  • Individual Research/Assignment:
    • Discuss your most significant concerns in conducting a psychological evaluation. Discuss how you can address them.
  • Journal Entry: (Instructor to assign; Write a few paragraphs — no more than a page)
    • Consider how transference and counter-transference reactions may affect routine medical encounters between patients and clinicians
    • What are your most significant concerns in conducting a psychological evaluation? Discuss how you can address them

Primary Resources

  • The Istanbul Protocol
  • Case Examples #01 (Case Summary, Narrative and Guidelines for Instructors)